Thank you for your interest in advertising on The Speedy Gourmet! In addition to advertising, you may choose from the other options below, to promote your company/product(s). Please fill out form below, and I will reply shortly.
Advertising Rates:
Text and 125 x 125 banner ads:
$35/month or discounted rates: $90 for 3 months, or $160 for 6 months. Please inquire for longer time frames.
Pre-written press releases:
- A pre-written press release provided by you: 1 text link: $35, 2 text links: $50
- Press releases written by The Speedy Gourmet {includes 150-200 words, up to 2 text links, and 1 photo}: $60
**Advantage of the above options: Your post and links will stay on The Speedy Gourmet indefinitely. Your post will remain on the front page until the natural succession of new blog posts moves it off of the front page.
Review only post:
There is no charge for a product review with a product value of $25 or over. A review item will only be accepted if it is a good fit for The Speedy Gourmet. Due to the time and effort involved, there will be a $25 charge for posting a review for items under $25 in value. This fee will cover the time involved, but in no way will influence my opinion of product. A review post will include one link to your site {or direct link to product}, and up to two photos. Additional keyword/links are $15 each.
Review and giveaway post:
There is no fee for this option, if review item is $25 or over in value. If review item is under $25, then $25 fee will be charged {includes one text link}.
No charge for:
- $25 – $49 value item will include one text link and 2-3 photos
- $50 and above value item will include up to two text links and 2-4 photos.
*Additional keywords/text links are $15 each
Giveaway only post:
There is no charge for a giveaway with a prize value over $150. For giveaway only posts with prize value under $150, the following fees apply:
- Pre-written giveaway post {you provide}: Pre-written posts {you provide} – includes 1 text link and up to 2 photos: $25
- Post written by us: We prepare a giveaway post – includes 1 text link and up to 3 photos: $35
*Additional keywords/text links $15 each.
**At conclusion of giveaway, you will ship prize(s) to winner(s).
For more information on Review/Giveaway/Press Releases, please refer to our PR Info page.
Please fill out form below, indicating which option(s) you would like, and any additional info in the message box. Thank you!
[contact-form 1 “Advertising/Post Options”]